Amor Eterno

About Amor Eterno

In the beginning, Man was of a double kind: Man - Man, son of the sun; Woman - Woman, daughter of the earth, and Man - Woman, offspring of the moon. Such people worked all day long to bring the fruits of their labor to Zeus. One day, tiring of offering homage to Zeus, men wanted to become free, but Zeus punished them by sending out a storm and divided each of them into two solitary entities. He also randomly shut out love in some of them.

After Zeus ' wrath, the halves pulled themselves together, looked for each other, met each other, and felt happy, but the heartless men revolted. This bred Hatred, which brought about Darkness and an assault on love. However, love survived. Love will survive all storms until the end of time.

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Awards and Recognition for Amor Eterno

“Amor Eterno” (Eternal Love) 1998- stop-motion film directed and produced by Tamara Nemirovsky was awarded First Prize at the International Film Festival on Human Rights in Latin America (Argentina) and several recognitions. It was screened at numerous film festivals internationally, including Rassegna di film e video sui Diritti Umani in America Latina e Caraibi, Donne e conoscenza storica (Women and History Conscience section at the Latin American Civil Rights Film and Video Exhibition) (Italy), Gerona Film and Video Festival (Spain) and Tampa Film Review 2008.

Nolan Canova: The first of two animations from this talented filmmaker to play Tampa Film Review this night. Up to now, my experience has been that animations have not really been a strong point of Tampa area filmmakers, with rare exceptions, and claymations are particularly dicey propositions. What a refreshing change viewing Tamara Nemirovsky's work was! Top-drawer stuff in content and execution. It would remind you of the classy, intellectual fare that makes the rounds to theaters occasionally as Tourneys of Animation. In this first exercise (a foreign language with subtitles), we explore Creation and the relationship of men to their gods, in this case, Zeus, and the tragic culmination of human subversion. The final point makes a case for the eternal presence of love, but the connection was murky to me. However, this award-winning film showed a huge amount of dedication and talent on the part of the filmmaker and is the most outstanding work exhibited this night. Highly Recommended and Film of the Night.

John Miller: This film took upwards of six months to complete and I must say it was worth every second. Intense from start to finish. Film Of The Night.