“Not only talking about the final documentary but the class in general has taught me so many new things that I have found very interesting. I can now go to the movies and better appreciate different aspects that I wouldn’t have noticed if I didn’t take this class and that can make movies more enjoyable for me. Also, through this class I learned how to use different editing software’s and different recording software’s which could be useful to me one day. This is because in the world of business if I have to make a video to show something off to a client or potential customer then I will have a better understanding of how to do it. So many different skills in this class can be transferred to the outside world especially within my field. I’m also very glad by the topic that we choose because, it is so easy to not think about what other people around the world go through for school and how difficult it is for them to get through school and make it to where they are today. I always thought that In the US we had it very hard when it came to school and standardized testing, but learning about how other countries have it, I realize how shortsighted I have been. It’s just an eye-opening experience and it makes me intrigued to learn more about the rest of the world in a different way. It makes me want to travel and go see how these other students live and see if I could handle the pressure that some of these students are put under. I think that our documentary turned out really well and can bring forth emotion from the viewers in many ways. I’m very thankful that I took this class as I think that the experiences in it will help me later in life.” Student